Foster Park Trail Survey

September 2023 Update:

Wendy Stein and Lisa Starks, of Friends of Foster Park, met with Steve McDaniel and members of his team to review the new golf course plan and had this update to share.

They heard our concerns and have reworked the plan accordingly!

  • The existing wide trail on the west and south sides of the golf course will remain as is. And the current narrow portion along Hartman road will be widened to twelve feet!

  • The new course design includes ponds intended both to mitigate flooding and to provide water for irrigation.

  • There will also be one more public meeting in late October 2023 to ask questions and share feedback.

Other interesting updates:

  • A new piece of trail is still planned to go through the woods, connecting pavilion three to the main trail, creating new options, including a small loop within the main park loop.

  • The golf course maintenance facility will be relocated so workers will access through the main park entrance instead of having to drive in/out on the trail generally closed to vehicular traffic.

We encourage you all to check out the new plans and share feedback and/or questions with the parks department. A big thank you to the parks department for going back to the drawing board based on community feedback. Also, huge thanks to all of you, our fellow park lovers, who have been participating in this process! Sometimes the collective voice of the people CAN make a difference. We will continue providing updates as we have them. But for now, huzzah!


The survey results are in! The majority of survey respondents stated that they do not want the trail altered in the name of expanding the golf course.

Original Article Posted: February 15, 2023

An announcement from states the following:

Foster Park has been a treasured asset on the south side of Fort Wayne for more than 100 years.
With the centennial of the golf course approaching, Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation contracted the golf course architecture firm of Hills Forrest Smith to develop a plan to revitalize the course in conjunction with the golf course anniversary.  A golf course-specific survey was circulated, and public meetings were held to gain insights on how residents would like to see Foster Golf Course-the oldest public golf course in Fort Wayne-updated.  
The plan is not finalized, and public input regarding the Foster Park paved trail is desired.  It is clear that the Foster Park trail is an important feature for many park users.  Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation has developed this trail-specific questionnaire to help address any thoughts and concerns with regards to the current trail and possible modifications.  Thank you for your time and input in completing this survey. “

Below is the proposed master plan for the Foster Park golf course. The fourth image shows the significant proposed changes to the west side (left side of image) of the Foster Park loop.

Sierah Barnhart, Beautification Chair

Sierah Barnhart has been with the Board of Directors since 2019.


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