Detours Again
UPDATE September 21, 2023
Initially, the association was told that the closure would last 8-12 weeks when it began at the end of May. While we have exceeded the initial timeline, the road closure permit expires at the end of this month. The neighborhood association has reached out for an update on when the closure will officially end, but we have not received a reply.
UPDATE June 20, 2023
After 34 days since our first request - and nearly three weeks into the detour. - there are wayfinding signs to help get traffic to Broadway/Bluffton efficiently.
We are told that stop sign flashers will be installed on Lexington today. Fingers crossed.
Questions still unanswered:
1) We were told the detour would begin May 31 and last through August, but the City road closures map shows an end date of 9/29. Which date is it?
2) This Association requested the official detour to follow Rudisill-South Wayne-Lexington to take advantage of the wider street, 4 way stops, and stoplight on South Wayne rather than point vehicles to a dangerous northbound turn from Lexington onto Fairfield. We are still awaiting an answer.
UPDATE June 19, 2023
It’s been 33 days since our first request for wayfinding signage at Pettit and Fairfield.
The Association has been requesting detour wayfinding signs for the corner of Fairfield and Pettit since May 17. Signs can alert the many "cut through" drivers trying to reach the Bluffton Road bridge. We sent City officials daily requests for signs once the detour began May 31.
On June 10, City officials visited the corner and discovered there are no signs, just as we had reported all along. Fresh promises of sign orders and utility locates were made, but as of this morning (June 19), there are still no signs. Getting utility locates aren't that hard. The Association called and got utility locates for a project on Arlington in about 24 hours over the weekend.
Maybe the City needs more boots on the ground? Are engineering resources spread too thin? Or maybe accidents like what happened on Lexington on June 4th are "acceptable collateral damage"?
We are very disappointed by the lack of results from City Utilities Engineering.
And adding insult to injury, the closed section of Old Mill isn't being excavated. It's being used as a construction equipment staging area for a couple hours each work day.
We don't want to paint all City officials with the same wide brush. Councilman Geoff Paddock has been very active in trying to get movement and answers. He was instrumental in getting the help of FWPD Deputy Chief Haffner to add traffic patrols in the neighborhood. Thank you!
UPDATE June 14, 2023
It’s been 28 days since our first request for wayfinding signage at Pettit and Fairfield, but there are still no signs. We shared our plight with our neighborhoods at the June 8 meeting of the Packard Area Planning Alliance and gained some more ideas of people to contact. On June 9th, we had a constructive telephone conversation with City officials. On the 10th, City officials visited and to their surprise, there were no wayfinding signs! We had been sending daily requests since June 1… so why the surprise?
Our story was covered by Kara Hackett of the The Local on June 14th. Thank you for the coverage!
UPDATE June 6, 2023
Our neighborhood’s issues with this detour were featured on WPTA 21 Alive. While it is mentioned in this segment that “We provided the signage we promised..."That is not correct! The Association is still trying to get the City of Fort Wayne Government to post promised signage at Fairfield/Pettit. It's 22 days and counting since our first request for signage. Thanks, 21Alive, for the coverage.
Still no signage at Fairfield & Pettit as of June 7, 2023.
Still no signage at Fairfield & Pettit as of June 7, 2023.
UPDATE June 4, 2023
Detour Day N0. 4
Significant auto and property damage occurred in the 1200 block of Lexington Avenue at 2:20a today. The damaged Lexus sedan (below) attempted to drive another block east after making brutal impact with a parked white Chevy Equinox, pushing it into the neighbors front lawn. The driver and passenger of the Lexus then fled into the woods on foot before police arrived even though a few neighbors were nearby telling them not to. Speeding and alcohol likely factors after watching them exit the vehicle.
The Southwood Park leadership does not make traffic safety requests of the City of Fort Wayne because we enjoy being pedantic. We request them because we remember losses of property in a lengthy and recent past detour and want to be preventative. Recently we requested: large clear signage diverting drivers early at Fairfield and Pettit to stay on Fairfield heading north, temporary speed bumps for Indiana and Lexington (we offered to buy them and were refused), functioning radar signs and flashing lights on stop signs just to name a few. When drivers are on alternate routes their attention is divided which becomes even more dangerous at night. We have at least three more months of detour to endure and want every residents autos and front lawns to survive. Won’t you help us City of Fort Wayne?
Drivers- PLEASE watch your speeds, consumption, agitation levels and keep your eyes on the streets at all times. Being courteous and a little patient is free and goes a long way.
We are tired.
UPDATE June 2, 2023
Only 8-12 detour weeks left! We asked the City: why aren’t there “detour ahead” signs at Pettit-Fairfield?” By the time drivers see road closed signage, they are already on Old Mill. City contractors will be looking into this. By adding signs at Pettit-Fairfield, it will save drivers a lot of time, and be safer in the neighborhood.
FWPD call logs shows that there’s been at least one traffic accident so far at Indiana and Lexington.
Original Article May 30, 2023
Old Mill Road will be closed between Rudisill Boulevard and West Foster Parkway beginning on or after May 31 for 8 to 12 weeks. This closure is to accommodate City Utilities making a connection to the combined sewer overflow tunnel. “Hurrah for cleaner rivers!”
But this means a DETOUR. “Down with detours!”
The official vehicle detour follows Rudisill Boulevard, Fairfield Avenue, and Lexington Avenue to reach Foster Park and the Foster Park neighborhood. Based on past experience, there will be many drivers who look for a quicker way around - especially those who cut through Pettit and Old Mill to reach Broadway and Bluffton Road.
Give yourself extra driving time.
Park on detour roads with caution.
Pedestrians and cyclists should use extra caution.
Expect lost drivers to speed and/or run stop signs.
Neighborhoods didn’t learn about the timing of the detour until the sign went up.
The Association is busy trying to arrange additional measures to mitigate the increased traffic and traffic danger. We requested temporary speed bumps, but that is not allowed. We requested additional signage at Pettit, at Fairfield, at South Wayne, and along Lexington. Some of this has been agreed. We requested a traffic light timing adjustment at Indiana and Rudisill to decrease speeders trying to catch the light. We also requested that Southwood Park’s radar speed sign be moved to the detour from its regular rotations around the association.
Drivers should expect additional FWPD patrols and drive accordingly.