Street Tree Maintenance

Our neighborhood has made significant strides in enhancing our tree canopy and making sure it’s still here generations from now. But as of right now, there is no money budgeted for the City of Fort Wayne to provide routine maintenance (outside of safety risks) to street trees . This is where you come in! City of Fort Wayne Arborist Derek Veit gave us the thumbs up on these small routine maintenance tips for your smaller street trees. More specifically, Veit “is agreeable to residents removing lower limbs and encouraging the development of a primary central leader.” More involved maintenance (such as trimming higher and larger limbs) would require written permission from Viet’s department.


Learn about the importance of avoiding volcano mulching and why mulching is beneficial overall.


How to tell if your tree needs watered.

And finally, here are some quick pruning tips to keep your tree healthy and an appropriate shape for maintaining sidewalk and on street parking use.

Sierah Barnhart, Beautification Chair

Sierah Barnhart has been with the Board of Directors since 2019.




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