Managing Your Waste
As we embark on Spring cleanup this year, it will be more important now more than ever to utilize our resources wisely to maximize our efforts. Because of our current collection issues blowing trash has taken its toll on the neighborhood, so while you’re cleaning up your own yards, please check on your nearest storm drain and park strips too! Below are 4 suggestions on how to handle your food, yard, and excess or uncollected waste. Our current situation is far from perfect, but we’re hoping these tips can help you make the best of it! Thanks, neighbors!
Spring Dumpster Day is Saturday, April 9!
from 8:00 AM - Noon or until the dumpster is full.
This is the perfect time to get rid of excess trash taking up space in your basement or garage as you do your spring cleaning. It is also a great opportunity to get rid of large or bulky items.
Want to know what not to bring? Check out this list from the City of Fort Wayne.
This program is free to us, so we need to make sure we’re adhering to their guidelines. Please remember that the dumpster is operated on a first-come-first-served basis.
Was your recycling missed again?
We are all fatigued by calling, emailing and reporting misses using the online form but it is the only way to get on the City’s radar. So please continue to do so! Board President, Steve McCord, has also done neighborhood drives and reported misses directly to city officials. At one point nearly 60% of our neighborhood was missed all at the same time!
But the good news is that we have a conveniently located recycling trailer at Southgate Plaza for your missed or overflow recyclables. Not sure how to get there? Use this pin and be prepared to separate your cardboard from plastics and aluminum. This drop-off location is FREE to use.
Current Hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 8 a.m.- 1 p.m., 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
But please be sure to check their website for any changes in service hours and to check out their other locations around the community.
Got Yard waste?
Yard waste quickly fills dumpsters and is not permitted in curbside bins, so what can you do with it?
The City of Fort Wayne plans to conduct a curbside collection of bagged lawn debris in late March or early April, dates are still TBD so keep an eye out for that announcement! When the program is active, bagged debris will need to be called into 311 for collection.
Or residents can take bagged debris to the Bio-Solids Facility located at 6202 Lake Ave. The current facility hours are Monday-Friday, 7am – 3pm. Minimal fees apply
Did you know that Dirt Wain also offers paid yard and pet waste pickup options?
Have you considered composting?
While we’re all hoping that our solid waste collection issues will be solved by early summer, many have taken the leap to add paid composting services to their households through Ground Down or Dirt Wain. We understand that not all households can afford an extra bill right now, but if you can composting can be the answer to your smelly garbage issues.