Volunteers and Fans Needed at Fort4Fitness Party - Updated

fort-4-fitness-party-revisedGet ready for Fort4Fitness!  We can use volunteers and fans at our party at Sherwood Terrace and South Wayne Avenue.  See the above flyer for more information.If you live on the route, or on a likely detour route (like Indiana Avenue south of Rudisill), please park somewhere other than the street that morning!  There will be "lost" drivers in the neighborhood.  Please follow marked detours and avoid crossing the race course with your vehicle.Rudisill will essentially be closed at South Wayne and Calhoun from 7:30 until 11:30, so plan accordingly.  You can take Indiana to Rudisill to Broadway to Bluffton Road to access travel options to the north and east from there.  Give yourself extra time!


In Tribute: Pat Thomson


Hoch Associates and Fairmont Neighborhood Association to Hold Open House