Preventing Thefts from Cars

One of the things that is great about our neighborhood - the low rate of crime - can lead us into complacency. The safety of Southwood Park can lead us to let our guard down and do things like: leave items and valuables in the car; forget to lock our cars; not park our vehicles in our garages when possible; ignore burned out streetlights; not use our porch lights all night. Opportunist thieves will take anything - well before they know if they want it or not.

Unfortunately, every few years, we get a reality wake-up call. Here is a message from our FWPD liaison officer Ricky Brumett:"You probably heard from a few folks in the neighborhood about some recent thefts from vehicles. There have been eleven reports made to the PD since the beginning of March. Most were made Friday morning.1 Reported 03-05-2016 in the 4800 block of Tacoma Ave. A window was broken out of a vehicle. A gym bag containing clothing was taken. The bag and a few items were later found in the 4700 block of Indiana Ave.2 Reported 03-11-2016 in the 4800 block of Tacoma Ave. A vehicle window was broken out. A purse and it's contents were taken.3 Reported 03-11-2016 in the 4900 block of Stratford. A vehicle window was broken out. There was no reported loss.4 Reported 03-11-2016 in the 4700 block of Beaver. A vehicle window was broken out. The vehicle was ransacked. Unknown items missing.5 Reported 03-11-2016 in the 4700 Tacoma Ave. A vehicle window was broken out. Loose change and paperwork reported missing.6 Reported 03-11-2016 in the 4700 block of Stratford. A vehicle window was broken out. A purse was stolen but later found in a neighbor's yard. The wallet and credit cards from the purse are still missing.7 Reported 03-11-2016 in the 4600 block of Crestwood. A vehicle window was broken out. Two guns were stolen.8 Reported 03-11-2016 in the 4600 block of Stratford. No damage reported to vehicle (unlocked?). A camera and other electronic devices taken.9 Reported 03-11-2016 in the 4700 block of Stratford. No damage reported to vehicle. Vehicle ransacked. Sunglasses missing.10 Reported 03-11-2016 in the 4800 block of Southwayne Ave. Vehicle ransacked. No reported loss.11 Reported 03-11-2016 1200 Sunset. Unlocked vehicle ransacked. Clothing items taken.I'm sure there were other incidents that went unreported. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.Ricky Brumett 1545FFort Wayne PD"Please use common sense regarding what you keep in a car outside. Please make prompt police reports. Please phone suspicious activity to 911 or 427-1222.

Annual Dirt Day is April 30th


Foster Park Little League Building New Concession Stand