Take Steps to Prevent Thefts
FWPD Deputy Chief Steve Haffner contacted the Association this afternoon. Last night, eight car break ins occurred in the Woodhurst and Southwood Park area.The thefts took place on the street and in driveways between 1 and 5 AM, March 11, on Crestwood Drive, Stratford Road, 4700 and 4800 Tacoma Avenue, Beaver Avenue, Fairfax Avenue, and Lenox Avenue. A report was made regarding four suspicious Hispanics.
There isn't much to go on, according to Deputy Chief Haffner. "People need to remove things from their cars. It's amazing what people leave in their cars these days," he advised us.
Mistakes happen and things might get left in the car by accident. But neighbors have to be in the habit of emptying cars when they are parked. Take simple steps to prevent being a theft victim.Good Neighbor To-Do List:
- Remove ANYTHING of real or perceived value from cars parked outdoors, including garage door openers.
- Please park cars in garages when possible.
- Lock vehicle doors - many quick and quiet thefts are from UNlocked cars, although windows were broken last night.
- Lock house and garage doors and windows, too. Close unattended windows at night.
- Report ALL thefts and entries, no matter how small. The police need all the information to fully see if patterns exist.
- Turn on your porch lights. Install motion sensor lights.
- Report burned out and flickering streetlights to 311 by phone, http://www.cityoffortwayne.org/citizen-services.html, or 311@cityoffortwayne.org by email.
- Be watchful. Immediately report any suspicious activity to 911 or the FWPD Desk Sergeant at 427-1222.