'Twas the Night Before Christmas - A Roundabout Fractured Poem
At 10:45 pm on December 24th, a drunk and distracted driver hit the roundabout and was stopped by one of the three remaining original trees. No one was hurt and all the lights stayed on, but the tree and some shrubs are likely losses.
The good news is that the Street Department has committed to adding permanent markings to the roundabout's curb and surrounding roadway in the spring. The Roundabout has had one accident per year since 2005 that warranted a police report.
Also, the Parks Department is considering a landscape redo.
In the aftermath of the accident, two board members and Chad Tinkel (our favorite city forester) composed this following fractured poem:
'Twas the night before Christmas
And all round the 'BoutThe police were stirringAfter a drunk knocked a tree out!When out on the circle arose such a clatter
Pat ran down to Old Mill to see what was the matter
And what to her wondering eyes did appear was the city forester!
And a new tree did appear
And I heard her exclaim as the car was towed out of sight
Merry Christmas to all and to all what a sight!