News from the "46807 Quality of Life" Group


Delivering exciting news and information about our Fort Wayne community!


Hello Neighbors! Those of us who are serving on the 46807 Quality of Life Initiative Steering Committee want to thank you for your interest and participation in this process. We also want to help you find ways to connect and get involved with others. As we all work together, our 46807 community will be appreciated for what it already is, as well as flourish in ways that we determine it should. On behalf of the Steering Committee, welcome to the team! We want to hear from you, and we value your contribution.-Angie HarrisonCommittee Chairperson

Mr. Squirrel passes out postcards
Introducing Mr. Squirrel

A visitor recently began showing up at various events and gatherings in 46807. At first he came for the food, but then he realized that by participating he too could make a difference in the quality of life in our area. Most recently he was spotted at a Steering Committee meeting where he assisted in taking minutes. He even brought along his pink pen to honor breast cancer awareness month! Currently Mr. Squirrel is without a name and we would like you to help give him a name! Please post suggestions to our facebook wall, or email them to:

Mr Squirrel takes meeting minutes
Calendar Image
Upcoming Dates:October 27th- 5th District Debate6-9pmEicher Hall1025 W Rudisill October 29th- 46807 Summit9am-2pmSummit CampusDining HallNovember 6th- 46807 Open House2-5pmPhilmore on Broadway
46807 Quality of Life Summit:The second 46807 Summit will be held October 29, 9:00 - 2:00 at The Summit (the old Taylor campus on Rudisill) in the cafeteria.This is a chance for people who live, work, go to school or church or have some other interest in the area to develop ideas to make a great area even better. The day will begin with an open agenda where participants can post topics and then have small group meetings on the them. Participants will choose topics which they have the most interest in and attend meetings of around 45 minutes where a small group discusses specific actions around a topic and determines next steps to begin action. An assortment of topics which emerged from our April summit have developed into active groups on a variety of initiatives, including urban gardening, marketing the 46807 effort, developing ways to help residents with old home repair, strengthen the South Side Festival and much more.Please come for this unique format that doesn’t just ask for ideas, but invites you to get involved and to connect with others who share your passion about specific topics. Participants are encourage to attend the entire session, but if a scheduling conflict allows for only attendance part of the day, your presence is welcome.This day will be an important time to continue discussions on areas where action is already taking place and to develop new topics. These initatives will be incorperated into the quality of life plan currently being compiled by the Steering Committee which will be completed near the end of 2011. This plan will then be presented to funders to aquire resources to execute area projects and ideas. Take advantage of this day to make your ideas and energy a part of the mix to create an even greater 46807.46807 Quality of Life Updates:
  • Brand new tee-shirts sporting our Quality of Life logo have been purchased. If you are interested in having one of your own email us at for information!
  • Recently the Steering Committee and their families participated in the Fort 4 Fitness marathon as volunteers. They could be spotted along the race course at various intersections assisting with traffic flow.
  • New postcards have been printed that include a square QR barcode. For individuals with a smartphone you can simply scan the code and be directed to our website and information!
  •  An urban garden has been installed on West Creighton behind Haven Missionary Church

Sidewalk Slab Project:Please check your neighborhood sidewalks to determine if there are concrete sidewalk slabs that can be rehabbed by Lift-and-Level method.1. Check to make sure the slab(s) are not cracked or broken (method will not work)2. Send requests for rehab to Michelle Nelson at ASAP3. Make sure you send the address of the property in your request4. This offer will expire soon due to the end of season for this type of sidewalk rehab5. If you need further detail please call Michelle at 427.69876. If requests are too numerous, the areas for rehab will be determined by Transportation Engineering DeptFact or Fiction Campaign:Dear friends of 46807:Fact or Fiction?The schools are substandard and crime is high in 46807.Fact or fiction?What is the truth?You hear comments like this about the neighborhoods of 46807 and they get communicated as factual.  When people share misinformation about our community, a distorted perception and image is formed.   The damage and fallout from the sharing of falsehoods can be significant.  So, what is the truth?  If you are concerned about misperceptions regarding 46807 and interested in discovering the truth, please plan to attend the second 46807 Summit  at Ambassador Enterprises (former Taylor Campus on Rudisill-in the cafeteria) on Saturday, October 29th 9am-2pm.  We will address the topic of truth v. fiction in FACT CHECK 46807. Other topics will also be addressed at this Summit.  You can pick which topic interests you. See you on the 29th!  Please invite your friends and neighbors and let’s help make 46807 an even better place to live, work and play.   If you think you can make thisSummit or have any questions including a “fact or fiction” question, please email Janet Stephenson at or call her at 260.414.5551.  Thank you.

46807 Quality of Life Mission: Valuing our history and diversity by strengthening resources, building community, empowering residents, and cultivating innovation in central Fort Wayne.

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