46807 Quality of Life stakeholder meeting on Sunday March 20th

Here is an opportunity to take part in the 46807 Quality of Life surveys. If you are interested in taking part, please contact Pam or John Steinbach.Things are moving fast with this process and we are having a potluck at  our house this Sunday, the 20th, to get people together, give updates,  and plan ways to make our Quality of Life Plan a big success. If you've  been involved or are just interested, you're welcome. If you live, work,  go to school or church or have a business in 46807, you are a part of  this community. Our address is 926 Prange Dr. and the potluck/open house  starts at 4:30 and ends at 8:30. Just being whatever you'd like to eat  and share and bring your neighbors, too. RSVP to us  at  john@jpconsultantsinc.com or pamela@appreciateyourlife.com. Hope you see  a number of you on Sunday.Pam and John Steinbach


Beautification Day - Sunday March 27th


A Great Tree Offer