Street Tree Rules

In the 10-10-10 Journal Gazette, Frank Gray published a fine but incomplete article on the loss and replacement of our street trees. There is no doubt that Fort Wayne will lose thousands (300+ just in our neighborhood) and that few if any will be replaced by the city or via the annual and limited street tree program.Frank suggests that homeowners should replace their lost trees themselves but only hints at the rules governing street tree placement and tree variety. The rules are clearly and fully stated on the Street Tree 2010 Application form. Follow these rules, water well, don't mound up mulch on the trunk and you will have a lovely, happy street tree.Placement rules are defined to assure healthy trees and safety. Here are the placement rules:- minimum 2" diameter and 8' - 14' height- not under utility lines- not in a park strip less than 5' deep- not within 40' of another tree (street tree or yard tree), or intersection- not within 15' of a residential driveway- not within 10' of a street light, hydrant or traffic signal- not within 3' of curbs and/or sidewalks in poor conditionStreet tree variety rules limit options to reliable and handsome canopy trees Allowed tree varieties are:- Honeylocust- Linden (American or Littleleaf)- Maple (Sugar, Freeman, or Red)- London Plane 'Bloodgood'- Hybrid Elms- Common Hackberry- Oak (Red, White, Burr, English, Swamp White, Northern Pin, Shingle, Heritage, Regal Prince, Northern Black, Chinquapin)- Tulip Tree- Sweetgum- Zelkova- Kentucky Coffee Tree 'Expresso'- Hornbeam (European or American Hop)Your Board will be considering the establishment of a fund to replace lost Southwood Park street trees. If established, the above rules will be our rules too.Pat Thomson


Oakdale Christmas Tree sale - support our neighbors!


Collected news about the TUFW sale