Hundreds of mature street trees in Southwood Park are ash trees. Are we in danger of losing them all?
Hundreds of mature street trees in Southwood Park are ash trees and we are in danger of losing them all.Interested in knowing which trees are in danger? ... just go outside and look for street trees with bright green dots spray-painted at the base facing the street. Last year, throughout the city, ash trees on park strips (aka street trees) were marked with the green dots to indicate they had been treated against ash tree killer emerald ash borers under a Parks Departmen program initiated by Chad Tinkel, Manager of Forestry Operations .Interested in learning more about the future of the program and its impact on our highly prized tree canopy? Please come to our annual meeting at 7pm on Wednesday, March 3 at 827 Rudisill (Brown Gables) where Chad Tinkel will be our guest speaker. As our Annual Meeting, an Open Forum for Residents' Concerns will follow our guest speaker. The final item of business will be a regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting.