Do you have a friend looking to buy a home in Fort Wayne?
If you or someone you know is looking to buy a home in Fort Wayne, check into the offers available through the City's Neighborhood Stabilzation Program. It can be found at The program will help potential buyers find extra money for home improvements they may want to undertake.The program covers much of the core of Fort Wayne and Southwood Park is the southwest anchor and corner of the program's area. The covered area includes stable and established neighborhoods like Southwood Park, Oakdale and West Central as well as many other central-city locales.By the way, I read on the National Trust for Preservation's website the other day that of Americans born in 1977 or later, 77% want to live in cities. If this is true, I think it bodes well for those of us who already live close to where we work, shop and play in neighborhoods like ours.