Agenda for the September Board Meeting, Wednesday Sep. 2, 7PM

I. Call to OrderII. Welcome and Open Forum for Residents’ Concerns

  1. Kelly McCauley – new ideas
  2. Letter from Jay Reed, 902 Prange
  3. Call from Jane Inman re:4405 Indiana
  4. 4239 Indiana ongoing problems
  5. Brown Gables - zoning issues?

III. Roll Call – Establishment of a Board Quorum IV. Presentation of the Agenda – Steve McCordV. Nomination of new Board Member: Cheryl McCarthyVI.  Secretary’s Report  – Ryan KeirnsVII. Treasurer’s Report/Submission of BillsVIII. Committee Reports

  1. Ad-Hoc Home and Garden Tour - wrap-up
  2. Beautification

                1. Fall needs: Pat                2. CEDIT: Steve M.                                                              

  1. Public Relations- Steve M.                                                                                                         
  2. Membership-Deb
  3. Nominations – expiring terms: Keirns x2, Steve x2, Pat       

IX. Unfinished Business

  1. Arlington stop signs petition – Dick, Tom
  2. Security update
  3. SWAP Reports for May, June and August; agenda items for September?
  4. Taylor Meeting – June 29th
  5. Legal opinion on Amending Constitution to allow voluntary members from other adjoining subdivisions (Old Mill, Section H) - Andrew

X. New Business

  1. No solicitation policy
  2. Incorporation; tax-exempt status
  3. Broadway/Bluffton gateway initiative – Lori
  4. Mayor’s Sidewalk Initiative
  5. Southwood Park Sidewalk Initiative?
  6. Insurance for pillars
  7. Name change to add “Historic”; amend bylaws & constitution
  8. Create a special account/trust for Home Tour proceeds – Steve
  9. Trust project possibilities

1.    Defray historic district sign costs

  1. New security patrol signs
  2. Decorative street signs
  3. Pillar tuckpointing and cleaning
  4. Benches and gardens on South Wayne; Crestwood; Pettit
  5. Greenway connectivity from Stratford – paving?

I. OtherXI. For the Good of the OrderXII. Adjournment Next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 4th at the Friendly Fox Meeting Room.


Fall Beautification Dates set


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