Calling all Artists, Musicians and Gearheads!!!

Are you a Southwood Park artist or musician who is looking for a venue or an opportunity to share what you do?


The Home and Garden Tour Committee wants our June events to  showcase more than the homes of our neighborhood. We actually want to show off our neighbors as well!


We’re aiming to bring one thousand visitors and good media exposure to our corner of the state for this event. There’s two ways to look at this: 1) it’s a free and valuable opportunity to place your work in front of the   public, and 2) it’s a great way to show pride in the neighborhood you call home.


We would like to feature artists or musicians at some of our tour stops. If there is a great deal of interest, we can set up an “Artist’s Village” in the esplanade on Westover Road, which will be midway on the tour route. Call Steve McCord at 745-8070 or Angie Quinn at 456-1670 with questions.


Gearheads are probably wondering where they come into this… Our tour highlights classic home styles from 1917 to the ‘60s, when the growing use of cars certainly played a part in how our neighborhood developed. To appeal to a wide variety of interests, we’re hoping that we can display classic autos from the same period. Call Steve at 745-8070 or Cheryl McCarthy at 458-9265 with questions. We’d love to host a car club!


If you have thought twice about being a tour home or garden, call Angie at 456-1670 or Trish Fox at 402-5732—ASAP!


If you’re interested in becoming a tax deductible sponsor of the events and getting your business name in front of many potential customers, contact David Goodman at 745-9208 or Angie at 456-1670—ASAP!


Finally, we would love to have more volunteers! You’ll work only part of the day, earn a free ticket for the tour and be able to attend the "volunteers only" tour and party on Thursday of that week! Call Pat Thomson at 456-7468.


Board Meeting Wednesday


New Neighbors